Review of Low Degree Conferring (LDC) Programs


In October 2023, the Chancellor's Office directed all CSU campuses to initiate a review of degree programs with small numbers of graduates. This consists of two major phases described below.

Phase 1—Fall 2023 Actions

Each year, we are required to update our 91̽»¨ Academic Master Plan. In addition to this year’s update is a requirement to review a list of low degree-conferring programs identified by the Chancellor's Office. We are also required to identify metrics used to evaluate the programs.

On November 30, 2023, Interim Provost Kim Greer requested input from the campus community on the criteria that will be used in the program review. The following documents are available for review:

  • The Academic Plan Update is the list of LDC programs originally received from the Chancellor's office, with the additional analysis of identifying previously discontinued or suspended programs under the normal review process. Remaining items are identified as requiring action.
  • The Criteria Feedback document contains the feedback received from campus on proposed criteria to be used in review of the LDC programs requiring action. This form contains all the "raw" data we received.
  • This Summary consists of the themes that emerged from the comments/suggestions we received in the feedback form.

Phase 2—Spring 2024 Actions

By May 10, 2024, we are required to submit to the Chancellor’s Office the actions we will take with regard to low degree-confirming programs identified in Phase 1.

Spring semester 2024 will require an intensive and transparent process of evaluation and input to arrive at specific actions and timelines. This process will be led by Interim Provost Kim Greer, the Academic Affairs team, and President Cathy Sandeen.


Next Steps:

Program review of the low degree conferring programs will begin in spring after faculty return to campus. LDC Task Force members will be announced at that time. One of the first tasks of the LDC Task Force will be to review and discuss this feedback.